I am so excited, my first listing is finally up! When I first took the Census job I thought that I was going to be working a lot less than I am (I'm not complaining), but it has taken me such a long time to get my shop going!
Hurrah for having it up and a listing to show! I will upload more in a day or two to keep my listings fresh and at the top of the pages. :3
Blue Face Scrubbies (or Coaster) Gift Set
Honestly, these little scrubbie sets are a breeze to make and if I have the dedicated time I could make a lot of them in a hurry, but after the ones that I have made I will be so glad to go back to making purses, hats, scarves and little, random projects!
I worked the majority of Memorial Day Weekend in our states attempt to catch up the people in Cannon Beach to the rest of the nation. It was a lot of fun even if frustrating to go through a ton of EQ's with so many brain fart errors. I really do not see how so many people just do not understand how to fill out a questionnaire correctly. EVERYONE had at least 5 days worth of training. There is no reason to have any of these mistakes. Rabbble rabble!
Anyway, as I said, it was fun! I had lunch with my CL and FOSA both Sat & Sun at Mo's and both times we had a fantastic table right at the windows. It poured on Sunday and I was soaked for almost the entire day, BUT I got to meet 8 corgi puppies when I went to someone's house in an attempt to find a proxy that could tell me if the other houses in the area were seasonal/second homes or not. I still have a joygasm whenever I think of all those little puppies.
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